I have really been enjoying drawing subject matter that I wouldn’t normally draw. These are things that are in my life but that I might take for granted; things I might in the past have not have taken much notice of, or paid much attention to.

So, I have started to draw them.

I have realised as I draw these things, how lucky I really am and how much I have. I also notice when I really look at these items, that I become more aware of how connected I am to others and to this planet that we live on. These things have all in some way come from the earth, and other people have helped grow them or have designed and created and made them, or packed, delivered and sold them.

Grateful drawing has helped me to be more mindful of what is in my life, and to appreciate what things are made of, what materials have been used, how they were made, the skill, expertise and time involved that others have put in. Below are some examples, and I will add more as I draw them. Why don’t you join me?